Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So since when can you upload multiple pictures on one page?!

So here's my magazine article. It's about the Himalayas. I feel like it's kind of boring, so it would prlly belong in a magazine like the National Geographic or something. But I need to improve it somehow to make it less boring. Hmm...
This is the poster and it's advertising a study abroad program to Bosnia. The band with the white stars represents the Bosnian flag. I need more text in the circle and maybe make it more colorful.

So here's my 2-page ad for a magazine article. I like my display font, but it needs more umbrellas and MORE COLOR. I miss color. I don't dig this black and white thing. Too bland...
Well, this needs work too. But it's only the first round, so no worries.

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